Gan Shemesh (Afternoon Program)

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The early afternoon program begins with a restful time for the children. The children are grouped based upon their needs. We provide a napping area for children who sleep or need a quiet environment to rest. Children who do not sleep are provided with quiet activities such as books, puzzles, journaling and drawing. This quiet time is followed by outdoor activities, adventure groups and snack.

Adventure groups allow for the children to explore and learn in a small group setting. These groups are focused on the children’s interest and include art exploration, group play and walks in the neighborhood.

The ratio and number of children in the afternoon program vary and an ideal ratio is always maintained.

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
After the 3:30 pm pick up, all of the children join together in one mixed age group for the Gan Shemesh late afternoon program. Gan Shemesh offers special projects such as cooking, yoga and art in addition to free play inside and outside. The children enjoy a late afternoon snack we call “tea time” from their own lunchbox. Families are able to pick up their child any time before 5:30 pm.